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"seeing beauty in the simple things"


When you think of Central America you think of the Mayas. From Honduras to Mexico there are many sites to visit where you can see the remains of the once powerful Maya civilization. At first I was planning on visiting many Maya temples but being there and having the opportunity of doing other fun stuff I came short on time at the end so I had to skip some sites. The sites I did go to where beautiful, interesting and inspiring. Not only the temples characterizes the culture of Central America. The way of life of the locals and the locals themselves are just as interesting!


I feel, by being a photographer I look at the world different then most people. I like to think I have an eye for beauty. It’s THAT skill that makes a good photographer. You are not only looking for those extraordinary moments like spotting a rare animal or seeing an amazing sunset. It’s also seeing beauty in the simple things that can be just as or not more interesting to look at. Especially in the category ‘Culture’ a photographer can tell a story with a picture. Things like getting something to eat on the streets or taking public transportation can become an adventure by itself. It's recognizing that a moment like that can make up for an amazing shot that makes me look at the world different.


In turn it's seeing pictures like that for you as a viewer that your mind starts to wonder. In a way, it lets you experience that moment to. If that happens my goal is reached.

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